Faculty of Law Faculty Professuren Prof. Dr. Dornis News
New articles by Professor Dornis on European and international patent law

New articles by Professor Dornis on European and international patent law

In a series of three articles, Professor Dornis analyzes issues of choice-of-law and gap-filling in the system of the European unitary patent law. In light of the multi-level architecture consisting of different legal regimes of international, European, and national patent law, choice of the applicable law and of the substantive legal norms is particularly challenging. Building on one another, each of the three articles will focus on a specific issue within the field: What level of “unification” of individual legal titles and rights (i.e., European patents with unitary effect and European patents) and of the enforcement of these rights has been achieved under the European unitary patent law? (Part 1) How do the choice-of-law norms in European unitary patent law, the EU-Acquis in private international law, and the different levels of substantive patent law interact, in particular with regard to Regulation (EU) No 1257/2012, Regulation (EU) No 1260/2012, the UPCA and the Rome II Regulation as well as in the national patent regimes? (Part 2) And, finally: Is there a method and what are the rules to determine the applicable substantive-law norms to fill the inevitable voids in the European Regulations and in the UPCA? In other words: How to fill gaps in the European unitary patent system? (Part 3).


The three articles have appeared in the GRUR Patent and can be found here:

Anwendbares Recht und Lücken im Einheitspatentrecht – Teil 1: Das „uneinheitliche Einheitspatentrecht“, GRUR Patentrecht in der Praxis (GRUR Patent) 2024, 230-236.

Anwendbares Recht und Lücken im Einheitspatentrecht – Teil 2: Verweisungsstrukturen im Mehrebenensystem, GRUR Patentrecht in der Praxis (GRUR Patent) 2024, 282-291.

Anwendbares Recht und Lücken im Einheitspatentrecht – Teil 3: Externe, interne und scheinbare Lücken …, GRUR Patentrecht in der Praxis (GRUR Patent) 2024, 337-343.


In addition, two more articles on the topic are forthcoming. They can be found here:

Das „uneinheitliche Einheitspatent“ und die Rechtsanwendung im Mehrebenensystem, in Jan Eichelberger/Roland Schwarze (Hrsg.), Festschrift 50 Jahre Juristische Fakultät Hannover, 2025, 97-116.

Das anwendbare Recht im nationalen Verletzungsprozess über europäische Patente – oder: der „Streit um des Kaisers Bart“, in Patentanwaltskammer (Hrsg.), Festschrift 125 Jahre Patentanwaltskammer, ca. 15 Seiten, erscheint voraussichtlich 2025.