
© Finn Winkler | Juristische Fakultät Hannover

First Semester (in Hannover)

At present, no tuition fee is levied for studying in Hanover (as of Summer semester 2015). A general administrative enrollment fee, currently of around 439,73 €, is charged. These enrolment charges include a travel card for Hanover's public transport network. You can find out more about the semester fee here.

Further details relating to fees and payment conditions can be found in the programme's fee regulations.

Second Semester (at one of the partner universities)

The amount of the current tuition fees at our partner universities can be viewed on the corresponding subpage.

Do you have questions about studying? We are happy to help!

EULISP Course Guidance
Office hours
Mon. 14:00 - 15:00 appointments by email and by request.
Königsworther Platz 1
30167 Hannover
EULISP Course Guidance
Office hours
Mon. 14:00 - 15:00 appointments by email and by request.
Königsworther Platz 1
30167 Hannover