The research project BIAS - Bias and Discrimination in Big Data Processing and Algorithmic Decision-Making held its final conference with international guests on 27 and 28 April. The project, which is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, involves the Institute for Legal Informatics (IRI), the Institute of Philosophy (iPhil) and the Institute for Information Processing (TNT) at LUH as well as the L3S Research Center. True to the project's Hanoverian origins as a research enterprise across various LUH faculties, the event took place at Leibnizhaus in Hanover's oldtown.
In addition to the presentation of some of the research carried out in the project, top-class external speakers were invited. The legal contributions by Prof. Gianclaudio Malgieri (Universiteit Leiden), Prof. Raphaële Xenidis (Sciences Po Law School), Prof. Dr. Christian Heinze, LL.M. (Universität Heidelberg) and Jan Horstmann (IRI) focused on the EU's proposed AI Act as well as the challenges of anti-discrimination law due to artificial intelligence. The intensive discussions confirmed the interest of researchers in the field of machine learning in ethical and jurisprudential perspectives on their discipline, as emphasised by project coordinator Prof. Dr. Dietmar Hübner in his welcoming address. While the topic is reaching a preliminary climax at the legislative level with the imminent start of the so-called legislative trilogue on the AI Act, the engagement of the project members with the societal effects of artificial intelligence will continue after the conclusion of this project. To ensure that interdisciplinary exchange remains an integral part of this work, the project "DigitalisierungsDiskurse" (DiDi) at IRI, funded by the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, will follow after BIAS and other, related projects to further deepen the work and make it accessible to the public.
Special thanks go to all speakers, moderators and audience members of the conference to which we would like to echo Prof. Hübner's closing words: Stay in touch!
Photo gallery
A selection of visual impressions from the event is provided in a little photo gallery.